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Review Process
- The editorial team conducts initial reviews of manuscripts to determine suitability for the Journal.
- If the editorial team determines that a submission is suitable for ITE, the manuscript is sent to reviewers.
- Reviewers are given six to eight weeks to complete their reviews. Recommendations from reviewers include: “Accept,” “Revise and Resubmit,” or “Reject.” Some reviews may take longer to receive.
- For a revise/resubmit recommendation, the editorial team decides to either return the manuscript to authors for revision or reject the manuscript.
- For those manuscripts selected to move forward, manuscripts will be returned to the authors for revisions according to reviewer and editor recommendations. Authors are given one to two months to complete their revisions, depending upon the amount and degree of recommendations.
- Resubmitted manuscripts must include a letter detailing responses (with corresponding page numbers) to reviewer comments and concerns. In addition, authors may be asked to submit revisions with track changes visible.
- The editorial team conducts a final review and makes a final decision of acceptance or rejection. Authors are notified accordingly.
- To aid in the production of your manuscript for review, we ask reviewers to consider the following:
- Content Fit: How well does this manuscript (MS) align with ITE’s aims and the field?
- Currency: How current is the literature? How well is the literature synthesized?
- Cohesion: How well does this MS hold together? Are research questions aligned with and addressed in the discussion?
- Methods: How specific and detailed is the description of the methods and methodology? How well situated in the literature?
- Implications and Application: How does this study matter? How will it benefit teacher education?
- Clarity: How well written is this MS?
- Optimally, every review is an opportunity to aid in the development of ideas within the field of teacher education.
- For information on how to serve as a reviewer, please read Critiquing Scholarship as Formal Review: The Role and Responsibilities of Readers of Academic Journals by Thomas Nelson, Ph.D., previous editor of our sister CCTE publication, Teacher Education Quarterly.